There is a story in the news, all over the news in fact about a Massachusetts man, Phillip Daggett, whose last name is now Brunele winning the lottery. The first paper was out on Monday morning praising the man for winning the lottery and making a really big stink of the whole thing which brought all kinds of additional media attention onto the story. This news paper was a local Fall River, MA newspaper which is where the Man lives and also where the store is located which was where he was said to have bought the winning ticket from.
The first story was written by a reporter with The Herald News, in Fall River, MA whose name is John Moss. John reported meeting with Daggett to get his story and only had good things to say about Daggett... especially when he noted in his story that Daggett only thought to take care of his disabled mother with the winnings and to build a name for himself and open a photography studio since that is his passion and dream... he never once even mentioned getting anything selfish like a luxury car, or even a house or something.
Well anyways, it seems that the story is back in the headlines of this same newspaper, The Herald News (local Fall River, MA newspaper) which is now identifying the man for his name before he was legally married to his gay partner. They reported that his name before marriage is Phillip Daggett, and then went on to expose the man for being a so called "liar and fraud". (the links to the lottery winnings story, and other news stories are at the very bottom of this blog, you can view them now, or after you read this blog, but either way, please take the time to read this blog and if you can't read it all at once, save it to your favorites or web favs or something and come back when you can finish!)
The newspaper reporter, who did not even care to identify himself in this second story for some reason, went on to bring up a few situations of past speculation against Daggett which involved incidents where Daggett was alleged to have made a prank 911 phone call in the fall of 2008. They also brought up how Daggett was said to have made a claim against Taco Bell for allegdly being the possible cause of narcotics being inside of his half eaten taco. This was not all though because they also went on to say that he had filed an action against McDonald's after claiming to have got sick from their food.
All of the things brought up against Daggett now in this new article, just a day after the newspapers first article, is all about making him out to look like this awful sick minded person who is out to fraud people any chance he gets, and to anyone reading this story without direct knowledge of Daggett himself, or without having any direct knowledge of these incidents is now only left to assume that the newspaper is now trying to get out there that it is believed that Daggett's claim of his lottery winnings is only yet another lie of his.
First, there is a lot more to this, so get yourself comfortable... there are always two sides to every story and it is only fair that if society is going to be made familiar with someone and all of their so called dirty laundry, that they know the whole truth so that they have a fair opinion about the situations, and can judge this person for the good and the supposedly questionable bad things in their life as well.
If you are not familiar with the lottery winning story, I will give you the opportunity to link over to both of these stories in which I am speaking of so you can see for yourself, but I will also speak briefly of it here for those of you who wish to continue reading what I am writing first and so you understand enough for now.
This past weekend, in the early morning of Sunday, July 26, 2009, Phillip Daggett, or rather Brunele, had bought two winning scratch tickets from a 24 hour convenience store in Fall River, MA. After scratching the first ticket it revealed that the man had won a thousand dollars! To his surprise he did not know he was about to scratch another and win even more. In fact, the man won two jackpots, the second being for one million dollars.
A copy of the tickets was hung in the store to show their customers that the tickets were sold there, which was probably in hopes to make more lottery sales. The copy of the tickets, which I will link a separate video news story so you can see it... had Phillip's name on the paper. A customer googled the name to find who he was and reported it to the news, who happened to be a customer in the store at the same time Daggett had verified his winnings with the store clerk.
The news first reported his winnings as being "amazing" and mostly because of it being two jackpots, or large amounts that he had won. But what most people did not know, is that the news... particularly the Herald News (again, a local Fall River, MA newspaper), had not yet confirmed that these tickets were in fact winners. They had seen the tickets, and even the copies of them, but the tickets had not yet been claimed at the lottery headquarters, and therefore they jumped the gun just to be the first to get the story out there.
This is where the reason for this blog comes in. Now, of course what commonly happens when someone comes across a lot of money is that the person who wins ends up with people coming out of the woodwork who want a piece of it. From beggers, to thieves, to jealous people, to envious people, right down to the person who may have almost bought that ticket. What was not known is who Daggett was exactly since he was married and changed his name. Once his maiden name was known to the Herald News reporter, John Moss, he then knew that he had just spilled the beans too soon on a story before he did his job and verified it first like any good reporter probably should have.
In a hurting economy and the fight for more qualified people out there trying to go after single positions within companies... including newspapers, John Moss most likely feared his career AS A "REPORTER" for putting an unconfirmed story before their readers. One may not think it would be a big deal and that it is just a simple mistake... but he reported that the winnings were confirmed and that Daggett had actually won a million on one ticket and a thousand on another. Because of this, the reporter, and more importantly, the newspaper, now loses credibility with their readers since one day they tell them about a story as if it was confirmed, then after they unethically put a story out there, they learn Daggett's maiden name, and now... "Oh Crap!"
So quick thinking reporter John Moss, now most likely in fear of a career loss, decides to turn a lemon of a story into lemonaid by figuring that it is much easier to write another story to play off the so called bad reputation of Daggett than it would be to admit that he screwed up and look like a fool himself to millions of people. What better to make someone else look like a fool before they can do it to you, right? Well, no because once again this reporter has made yet again another very unethical decision in doing so.
Sure, it is no secret that Daggett has been in the media numerous times in the past for several different reasons, and maybe even it is true that at first Daggett may have even somewhat liked the attention of the media and camera's as almost any young person these days would... don't take my word on that, just look at all of the myspace profiles out there of thousands of people creating a famous looking appearance for themselves via their myspace page. But, I am sure that there came a time that Daggett did not care too much for the media attention anymore because he had realized that it was only causing him more harm than good to talk to them.
It seems that once this happened, the media started going on this attack mode against the man reporting every little thing that they could about him to expose him out to look like a fraud, a liar, an unstable and potentially mentally disturbed person. But yet not one of the things that they reported against Daggett in attempts of making him out to look bad have been substantiated legally. What I mean by that is what brings me to my comment that I left on the Herald News website as a comment to their second story that they wrote. Here is my comment to the Herald News and also anyone who had viewed my comment as readers of the story....
Here is what I think about this story...
First, if any of these news outlets had done their jobs to begin with, they would have waited to verify the ticket and the winnings before making themselves look like a non-credible news source. It seems to me that once they had realized that they should have done this, and then they start wondering, "what if this is true, what if that is true, what if this is not..." now it seems that their way of making themselves look better and to supposedly maintain their credibility is to try to dig all of the dirt up that they can on someone so that society turns against this person and not against them for reporting inaccurate news.
I say, if this is true, then good for him, and no matter the past he has or people say he has, anyone could use the money and from what he commented on, he never said anything about going out there and spending it foolishly... he said he wanted to take care of his disabled mother more than anything. He said he wanted to further his passion and career by establishing his name and getting a studio or two, and now before he can do any of this, even if it turns out that this reporter is wrong, this reporter just put a story out there so once again they can report it first, except this time they are doing it to ruin his name and his credibility and for no other reason than just that. And therefore I think that they really need to be careful what they say too because mom might have to wait for the new car because son is going to need the money to hire a firm to go after the paper for defamation of character, and sure you can think that it would just be added to the rest of his so called past, but here is why I think this.
I too did my "homework" and here is what I came up with... he supposedly made a prank 911 call, but yet the charges are said to be being dropped off his record in two years if he does not get into any trouble... But if you read this story this too made news and they wanted him to hang for doing this, and yet a judge just simply threw the case out... well if he did this and called 911 then they would have his voice recorded and all of the proof that they needed, why would the case be thrown out??? BECAUSE HE DIDNT OBVIOUSLY DO IT!!!
Also, the Taco Bell thing, he never sued them, never tried to sue them, and the story from ABC 6 news said that he reported that he did not care about the legal side of things, did not plan to sue, he just wanted to know what was in his taco and why. Now, they are saying that just because he refused to cooperate with the police that this case was just dropped... okay, then if they have someone who committed a murder and did not talk with police, do they just stop investigating and throw a case out? No way in hell, especially since this case too was in the news and heat was on the police to do something about it, but they had no case because nobody was sued and no crime was ever committed. So again, why say that someone did something that they were not charged with...??? Why say something about someone that was not found guilty of it in the courts and again thrown out???
Looking into things further, I too remember the McDonalds case that happened, but the news failed to report that Daggett had a food allergy and specifically asked for something not to be put on his sandwich, which still had it on it and turned out he had an allergic reaction to it at his workplace, during his lunch break, in front of his co-workers, and after his face and throat swelled he was taken from work to the hospital to be treated for food allergies... well, the reporter only told half the story and the other half is that he had no health insurance at that job yet and only brought forward the case against them to cover the medical bills in which 5,000 was given to him to cover them... and nothing more than this amount either... and again, this too was stated by another, more accurate reporter and news source!
It is also funny that they failed to mention that Daggett is in New Bedford police reports for having saved 13 people in the puzzles gay bar the night it was attacked according to witnesses and victims. He also raised money for the victims of the crimes which all went to them. He also attended public forums, and even signed as a witness on a new law before the city councel of New Bedford when they declared the city a "Hate Free Zone". He was referred to not just as a hero, but also as an advocate for gay rights, and participated in so many different events in the passing of gay rights laws to make his environment a better place to live... Again, this too can be found by looking more than just the first couple pages of google when you search his name, also in city and court records which are all public.
The news also failed to menton that Daggett was the person who saved the lives of three people in a serious car accident in late 2004 on rt. 24 in Freetown, MA and in that same crash there were two young girls, 3 and 6 years old who were sisters who died because Daggett was unable to get them free from the car because of the extent of their damage... the news story then also went on to report how Daggett stayed and held one of the girls who died in his arms before rescue crews could arrive... this too was in the news for quite a while after this happened praising him and with the people he saved and the families calling him a hero.... this too can be found on google, news resources and police reports.... but yet they failed to mention this too here in this story!
Did you know that Dagget was too on the news once again in February of 2008 from when he was with his mother in Brockton, MA and was driving home to her house one day when he seen a car stopped in the middle of an intersection and the parents of a 19 month old baby panicking and yelling for help as the mother pulled a lifeless baby from the car. Daggett was there and managed to get the baby from the mother and figured out the baby was choking, and Daggett was able to free the object from the baby's mouth and the baby ended up living all because Daggett saved him from choking... again this was in the news for several days with both the news and the family calling him a hero, and you can read about this too if you google it or get the police reports, or other news reports on it... but again, this reporter in this story failed to mention this too!!!
There is more too, and I am sure you can take my word for it. But my point here is that the things that are being said to make him look like a liar, a fraud, a sick person, etc.. are all because the news is afraid that they could have put out the wrong information to their readers... so now the only thing they think to do to save their own asses is to ruin the life of someone who they once praised themselves and called a hero... but they must have forgot to tell their viewers about all of the good things that he was in the news for and they must have forgot to include how the charges in all these supposed cases against him never went anywhere because it was all speculation without a shred of evidence to prove him wrong for any of it... which again is therefore defamation of character when you intentionally deceive the minds of society to build an image of a person whose face you are putting out there as a fraud, a liar, and a sick person... and that is not right!!! You should have done your jobs right in the first place and verified everything that you are reporting now... but because you thought that this may sell more stories than just simply reporting good news, and also with you trying to save your asses for reporting bad news potentially, now you try to ruin a life for someone with this story when they are trying to build one for themselves and obviously are not guilty of anything if they never went to jail for any of it, never got found guilty of any of it, and even the police stopped investigating a claim because they had nothing on him....which most likely means, he may not have been lying as you are trying to say he did just to have a good story for once.
To me and now to many people this reporter who was not even brave enough to put their own name on this story, is a coward who made a mistake by not reporting responsibly and is trying to use the bad portions of Daggett's credibility and unproved past to save his ass from losing his job and to be the hero with the gossip on this poor guy!!!!
And just in case my comment gets deleted from here, I plan to expose this reporter and this paper on the internet by posting this in blogs which link to this story! Oh and by the way... He won the ticket over the weekend when the lottery is closed... and when you seen that "late yesterday afternoon" that he still had not cashed it yet, remember he has not had a day or two with the lottery being open to go and cash the ticket.. he only had the matter of hours at the time you called the lottery, and of that time he probably was sleeping since if you remember, you reported that he could not sleep and that he was pulling all nighters... but he has to sleep sometime! Also, you reported that you talked to new bedford lottery about this... but if you again did your job then you would know that New Bedford lottery only cashes tickets under $50,000.00 and you have to go to Braintree, ma to cash anything over $50k... but I bet you just must have called Braintree too, huh?
I have a pretty good feeling that my comment will not last on their website which brings me to writing this blog because I feel that I am entitled to my own opinion, and I think that the public should be made aware of the mistakes of this reporter and newspaper, his attempt to hide the error and cover his ass, and most of all, I think that it is only fair that the public knows the whole truth behind everything since they were so kind as to bring everything up, but failed to report on the resolutions of each of the things they mentioned because it would defeat the point of them trying to further damage the reputation of Daggett.... and this too is why they had not mentioned all of the times Daggett had been in the news on more positive notes, especially since the Herald News was too one of the newspapers to cover those stories and only jumped on the wagon referring to Daggett as a hero as well... but isn't it funny that they bring up the fact that he had been in the news before, but only cared to tell people about the supposedly bad times he had been in the news.
Honestly, I stand before my opion and as I have shown it is all supported by the facts, and I am not a reporter trying to get the headline story, I am just simply a concerned person who does not ever just take someone's word and believe it to be true, I go after the truth myself to know just what it is... and in this case it only looks to be that the media, or in this case simply the Herald News is only trying to make this poor man look bad and turn the public in which he has to live in against him... and all to cover his ass for putting a story out there before he confirmed with the lottery that the ticket was valid, and yet all they said on their behalf to support their allegations of this mans tickets being an untrue claim to the media was that he had not yet claimed the ticket, so he must be lying about it.
What though is their reason for not accurately reporting the other allegations that they are once again bringing up again about Dagget? What was the reason that they did not say that the case of the 911 call was dropped in court? What was the reason they did not let people know that the alleged claim against Taco Bell and the police trying to turn things on Daggett, turned out to not have any evidence to support that Daggett was in fact lying or making a false report? This was a big national story and even Taco Bell said on the record themselves that they demand for the truth to be found out and that if they find that Daggett lied, they will prosecute him to the fullest extent of the law... and yet no charges in that case were brought against Daggett at all.... why reporter John Moss did you not tell your readers about this FACT???
Why Herald News, and John Moss did you not tell your readers that the man Daggett received a sandwich that contained a food product that he was allergic to after he requested for them not to have that food product on his sandwich? Instead you leave it at Daggett says he got sick after eating a burger and tried to get money out of the restaurant for it! Also, why too with it being public record, would you not tell your viewers that Daggett's claim was only for his medical bills since at the time he had no health insurance? Why did you not tell your readers that Daggett did not receive a dollar to himself in that claim and did not even care to... it only paid out $5,000.00 to cover the medical bills... even the attorney did not get anything and was said to have worked the case pro-bono for Dagget. He had all the evidence he needed to prove negligence against the restaurant, with eye witnesses as well since the allergic reaction happened in front of his co-workers at Starwood Hotels Call Center across from the McDonalds who first hand watched his face get "blotchy" and "started to swell" as he was rushed away by ambulance to the hospital.
But, did he take advantage of the opportunity at a huge suit against them? Not at all, and in fact the Herald News did not even know about this until they were out to make Daggett look bad over the Taco Bell incident and were contacted by the franchise owner of the local McDonalds who in turn seen that it was another restaurant related claim by Daggett and put their two cents into the story as feedback, which the Herald News even reported as happening that way themselves... but since they were unable to reach Daggett for comment then too, according to that same story, they went ahead and tore him apart assuming the little they knew to be true instead of verifying the facts, checking with the witnesses and following up to view the police reports since 911 was called from his workplace when he had the reaction... if I can get all of this information, I am sure that they could have too... but why would they have when they only want to sell stories based on the information that they know people will find to be juicy... even if it is at the expense of an innocent man who is now attacked by this very same newspaper even when he has some good news in his life!
Why John Moss, and the Herald News, did you touch on the story of the attack at Puzzles Lounge in New Bedford, MA to make it known that Daggett was associated with this horrible incident, but then you did not go on to tell them that Daggett played a key role in saving lives that day. Why didn't you mention what the police report said and how it referred to Daggett as saving approximately 13 lives of people in the bar during the attack which he had to make personal contact with to get them out of the bar as they stood there in shock watching over the attack, not knowing what to do.... which is when Daggett snapped them out of it, stopping them from being hurt, and even put his own life on the line to save theirs!
Why was it not known in this story that Daggett had too gone face to face with Robida, the attacker, while he was trying to save people from harm in the bar, when Robida put his gun to Daggett's head and pulled the trigger at point blank range, but lickily for Daggett, Robida had already used all of his amunition and his gun just simply clicked in Daggett's face, who stared down that barrell thinking that it was all over. Why would you report on this before, but not tell people about any of this now?
Why did you not tell them that after the attack, while Robida had fled from the bar that the police had not listened to Daggett (a key witness in the case) when he was trying to explain where Robida had run off to? They threatened to arrest him if he did not let them do their work, but yet he was only trying to help them to apprehend him sooner.... but then finally when a detective arrived and actually listened to Daggett, he right away had a police cruiser go look in that direction that Daggett was trying to tell them, and minutes later when they identified who Robida was based on eye witnesses and also the evidence that Daggett saved for the police, being a shot glass which contained Robida's DNA and fingerprints. But when the police got to his mothers house, where he lived, she had reported that he had just stolen her car and left just a minute ago... I wonder if that officer listened to Daggett if they would have got Robida sooner, but instead they did not catch up with him until four days later when he turned up being spotted out of state driving his mothers stolen car... this lead to a shooting, the officer who approached Robida's car, not knowing that he had just seriously injurred people in New Bedford, MA simply wanted to ask Robida why his plates did not match up with the car, but before he could speak, Robida pulled out his gun and shot officer Jim Sell point blank in the head... twice, killing him instantly. This resulted in a high speed chase through two or three counties in Arkansas and ended in a massive shootout, with hundreds of shots being fired by both police and Robida, but it was not the police who shot Robida, it was himself. During the shootout he shot his female companion, Jennifer Bailey, in the head, killing her instantly, and then took his own life with a gun shot to the head.
There is a little more to this story though. Because Daggett was a key witness to this case, and with consideration to him almost being killed by Roida as well in the bar that night, he went to the police in Fall River, MA where he lives to tell them of what happened, who he was, and that the attacker tried to kill him and he was looking to get protection while Robida was on the loose. The police first responded by saying that he probably does not know who he is or how to find him and not to worry about it too much, that they will find him, but Daggett went on to tell them that he may know who he is because even though Daggett expressed his concerns to the media, who knew of his identity and which Daggett had asked for them not to release his name, at least until he is caught... the Herald News just had to get a good story out there and reported it just the way they wanted to anyways... with Daggett's name and location put right out there for the world to see... including the possibility of Robida himself seeing it. Daggett's thought was that with himself being a key witness to the case, the one to get people out of harms way, and seeing that Robida tried to kill him at point blank range, that he may come back after him to finish the job.
The Fall River Police simply told Daggett that there is nothing that they can do to help him, and that the crime had happened in New Bedford, and therefore it is out of the jurisdiction for Fall River Police and that the only thing that Daggett could do was to pay sixty dollars an hour to have a police detail sit outside of his home. Daggett was in shock and could not believe it... and because he had not had the money to pay for that, especially not knowing how long it would take the police to capture him and what he would have to pay just to be protected, he simply could not afford to do that. Daggett was upset, he said that it is their sworn oath to protect and serve the members and citizens of their community, which he was, and here they are refusing to unless he paid them an undetermined amount of money until the police do their jobs and catch the maniac.
Daggett then spent the next three nights in his car. He tried to catch an hour or two of sleep here and there in grocery store parking lots, but he did not want to go to the houses of any of his family or anyone he knew because he did not want to bring harm their way knowing what Robida is capable of doing. After all he severly injurred three people by chopping their faces and heads with a hatchet (a small version of an axe) and then watched as he attacked with a handgun, and then almost faced becoming one of Robida's victim's as well.
After Robida was apprehended Daggett made it known to the media what he had experienced when trying to get protection from the police and what he had to go through as a result of them not helping him. After the news ran stories about this, Daggett mysteriously began getting pulled over on numerous ocassions in Fall River, MA and experienced other forms of harassment too, but he decided to leave the situation alone so that matters did not worsen. Again, this is all per the reports of the media, the police reports, court reports, radio and television interviews, and anyone can get access to any of this if they really cared to... but obviously the Herald News only wants you to know what it is that they want you to know to make an innocent man look bad while they try to cover their ethical mistakes of impropper reporting and journalism.
As I said above too, (in the blue font in italics) is that they know that Daggett has been in the news more for good than bad, and yet even though he has been referred to as a hero on four situations on different dates, they failed to mention this. Which makes it obvious that they are only trying to once again attack his credibility before they possibly lose theirs! Everything that they reported is untrue, unfair, and unjust! They have not a single shred of evidence to substantiate their claims of Daggett being a fraud besides the fact that suspicion was once raised in a couple situations he was involved in... but not one of these situations resulted in Daggett being arrested or found guilty of anything. So if the constitution states that one is innocent until proven guilty, and in every case that was mentioned he was not proven to be guilt, that would only mean one thing... defamation and a deliberate attempt to conceal their unethical work habbits, journalism errors, and unprofessionalism... and all at the cost of an INNOCENT mans reputation just as they have done in the past to him!!!
As I promised, I would like to share some things with you so that you can see for yourself that what I am saying is based on facts, not unsubstantiated claims, and will only support everything I am saying to be true. Much else of the information you can get on your own by googling Phillip Daggett yourself. When you do, you will see some things written about him all over the place... but they are all written in blogs, just like I am doing here. Unfortunately the rights to speach is obviously commonly abused with someone intentionally trying to attack him with any little thing that they can!!! Did you know that it was even once posted online in the news that Daggett got a ticket for sleeping through his alarm clock??? It is absolutely true. One of his neighbors was a police officer where he use to live, and called into the station at just before 6 in the morning to report a noise disturbance of music coming from Daggett's house. When the police arrived Daggett could not believe that they were actually questioning him about it, asking for identification and everything, and explained to them that it was only his alarm clock that he had slept through, but explained that it could not have possibly have been that loud to wake up his neighbors a house away from his. Turns out the police issued a criminal complaint against Daggett for disturbing the peace along with a one hundred dollar fine, when it later reached the courts the case and fine was immediately thrown out since the DA seen it as exactly how we see it as... absolutely ridiculous! And yes, this was one of the times he was considered to be harassed by the police after he had filed a complain against them with the city and made it known to the media regarding their refusal to offer him protection during the search for Robida (the puzzles lounge attacker).
I don't want to hold up much more of your time, and I thank you very much if you are actually still here reading this, but I just have to say this. Sure, it is no secret that Daggett has been in the news many times, but what needs to be known is that he was in the news for good that he has done for people, saving their lives, being called a hero, being part of passing laws, setting up a charity, and so many other positive things. He may have been seen in the news so much that when a story came out like the one with Taco Bell, it was just too hard for people to believe that something like that could actually happen to someone with having drugs in their taco... but when you think about it... isnt it hard to believe that this one person has been there at the time the bar was attacked to save 13 people? He was there to save three people in a 2004 car accident and stayed with a dying 6 year old girl waiting for rescue teams to arrive and as he held her hand through the window, right beside him was the deceased body of her three year old sister... all which by the way, the whole time gasoline had been flooding the ground underneath the car which was off the ground mangled in the trees off the highway! And I guess when he saved the life of the choking baby and just happened to be right there to save the 19 month old boy... this too must be hard to believe... but he past education and employment as a paramedic was a fact left out of the news story too which is how he knew how to handle those situations and how to compose himself.
So what I am trying to say is that sure with all the times he has been in the news for different things, it may be hard to believe or understand how a single person happens to be in all of these situations, but its the truth and there are both news and police reports to support the truth... The ironic thing here is that the only things mentioned about Daggett by this reporter John Moss from the Herald News about the lottery wins are the past stories and things being said about Daggett online which had turned out to have no truth to the stories alleging that Daggett was guilty of anything. Not one of those accusations against him were proven, not one of them resulted in a guilty finding in a court... but look how freely this reporter threw this out there about him as if it was true, and look at how he failed to mention the only things that he could actually support with truth behind it, police reports and media reports involving the incidents when Daggett was there to help people, when Daggett saved many lives on many ocassions... why bring any of that up when they are obviously ONLY TRYING TO MAKE HIM LOOK BAD SO THEY DONT FOR NOT DOING THEIR JOBS CORRECTLY AND VERIFYING THE FACTS BEFORE REPORTING THEM TO THEIR READERS. Maybe the same reason why it is so hard for them to believe all of the FACTS WHICH ARE ACTUALLY TRUE is the same reason why they have a hard time believing anything about the lottery winnings?!
I really don't think that it is any of their business, or any of ours, to disclose someone's personal finances anyways... lottery win or not, you are putting someone's face out there to the his fellow neighbors in the most unemployed city in the state! On top of this, you are setting it in their heads that he is a fraud and has done so many bad things wrong (which none of them again are true) but the point is that what will stop some desperate, unemployed father of three to attempt to steal from, rob, or somehow extort money from Daggett without a single concern in the world when they see him as a no good psychotic piece of trash fraud that you are trying to make him out to look John Moss / Herald News?! People get desperate and rob convenience stores for less, sometimes leaving behind a deceased victim so to not identify them... so what would stop a person from attempting the same thing knowing that they can get a million from him and they would have it in their heads that nobody would even care for his life with what you are saying about him in this story. I just hope that people see this story and this reporter for the unethical, unprofessional pieces of crap that they are for ever doing this to someone! Okay, finally the links... sorry, lol....
First, here is the link to the story which appeared first in the Herald News which they were praising Daggett or now known as Brunele after marriage... (by the way, for those of you who agree with me about this... the reporter, John Moss, his name and email are at the end of the story in this link, I will leave the rest to you to tell him a piece of your mind, lol)
Now, the link below here is the second story which went into today's newspaper The Herald News, only a day after the first one, totally bashing Daggett / Brunel and the complete opposite from the story the day before... note that it is the same reporter, but yet reporter John Moss does not want credit for the story for some reason... I wonder why?! Here is that link...
This link below is of Daggett on the channel 5 news, the only news station he actually did an interview with from what I have found.... (there is a text story, and also a video story on the top right side of the page that you can click on to watch the story when they did it live)
Now, as for the rest, depending on how much you care to look into this story and everything that I have said here, is up to you on how much time you want to spend looking into all of this... but I assure you that you will find just what I did, that there are reports both in the news and police reports confirming that Daggett had saved many lives on many ocassions... and you will also see that there is no proof of him ever being charged with any of these crimes, or having any guilty findings of the one case that actually went against him... the prank call to 911... which I remind you they supposedly had his voice as evidence which is all they needed to hold the charges against him for filing false police reports and carries up to a one year sentence if found guilty, but yet the entire case was dropped out of the court before trial with the understanding that if he does not get into any trouble in the next two years the charges will disappear from his record, meaning they never existed. In most cases, even if you are found to be innocent, the charge will appear on your court records indicating that you had a charge against you, but that the finding was that you are innocent of the charges... in this case with Daggett, again, it is just going to disappear from his record all together... so if he did it, why would this happen? Anyways, you can google his name, Phillip Daggett, and see all of the stupid things being said about him online. Again, realize that they are all things being said anywhere someone has the opportunity to post something annonymously, and in blogs, not news websites!!! This is so obviously his digruntled ex-lover according to one of the websites that I had seen which Daggett had obviously seen as well since he had confronted the person who made a certain comment and Daggett replied and said "there is only one person that knows this, and it is you tony!" and then went on to explain how it is his ex trying to ruin his name and make him look bad in any way possible... which you too will agree with the more you see the foolish attempts at trying to make Daggett look like he dated a celebrity, which was not true, but many people ate up on, and so much more! So go ahead and google his name, but I will point you to a few places where he was called a hero for saving people... here are those links below....
Of all days, Valentines Day of last year, 2008, Daggett was in the headlines for the entire week for saving the life of a choking baby. Here is one of those stories by clicking this link below...
In this story, you will see how Daggett was called a hero for saving the lives of the people in the bar, puzzles lounge, in New Bedford, MA when it was being attacked. Heres that link....
Another story on the bar incident...
The story on the public complaint against the police after they refused protection for Daggett...
There is plenty more, I will update with more once I get to my other computer, but if I can find it online, so can you! Also, remember that police and court records are public information, take advantage of it and see the truth for yourself, and that Daggett is not some sick minded fraud as this reporter is trying to make him out to look like in an effort to save his own butt and to get more readers for the paper!!!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
MA Man Wins Lottery - Reporter Blames A Badly Reported Story On Mans Reputation
fall river,
herald news,
john moss,
phillip daggett,